Aion Teleos, the Iluayanic Being of Light

Aion Teleos’s light and soul emanating from a distant source

Aion Teleos, one of the two twins of primordial being that is of the light in opposition to the dark, is referred to as an encircling, eternal force composed of an overflowing potential for the fullness of the sublime, ethereal energies from which all of creation descends from. The broad soul of all of the world emanates from a source far above that which is observable by mortals, with the celestial spheres visible from the mortal plane being a mere imitation of everything contained within the ideal realm of everlasting light that spills to the places beneath, though giving these places a soul of eternity. Anthropomorphized as male, the force of divine light is constantly seen as being opposed by a being of darkness that inhabits opposite of him called Umbra, who is the summation of all of his limitations. Umbra was thus formed by the elements and ideas which Aion Teleos could not assume the shape of, as Aion Teleos can only be of substance and soul and not those without. Though this may be the case, Aion Teleos’s ideal forms continuously descend from the heavenly plane of Auraeth such that they eventually form a likeness among the mortal plane which can then be subject to modifications by the force of shadow and chaos, though this considered by Aion Teleos’s worshippers to be some form of the perversion of the powers of the light by the dark. Nevertheless, Aion Teleos’s potent influence allows for the mortal plane to know a certain life and prosperity throughout, as he provides nourishment and sustenance to all beneath his holy being and grace.

Among the Iluayanic peoples, there exists a creed which recognizes Aion Teleos who are referred to as the Aetherics, who are pious and ascetic worshippers of the force in the hopes that they may abandon the body in order to ascend into the light. This heavenly force of light is said to have recognized its limitations as he looked upon himself and the darkness, thereby producing two sexually dimorphic consciousnesses within him which were born from his burgeoning identity. It is thought that before Aion Teleos had differentiated these two aspects of being and identity, he was incapable of emanating further from his source of a holy, gentle light, and that the being would be the last. However, the gametic consciousnesses, referred to as the Euras of the light, would prove this wrong as, together, they birthed the subordinate powers of light which the Aetherics call the Aesyth, spirits of a great purity and being composed of a soft light that would become the servants of their parents, though being less grandiose in power and stature. Thus, the Aesyth were among those powers that were not intended to be worshipped and instead, acted purely as messengers and bringers of the divine light to the mortal plane so that the word of Aion Teleos may have been observed.

The more evolved concept of Aion Teleos which the Aetherics recognize as an omnipotent being was, however, preceded by a more primal ideational form of one which lay opposite to Umbra, the primordial void and underworld-producing entity which ran parallel to the celestial being. Of the deeds of this ancient archetype of the force of light, there was counted the gift of life that it had bestowed upon humanity, along with the prevalence of a soul and consequent consciousness from which would grant passage into the eternal light once more. Thus, Aion Teleos was a primordial and celestial being which had simply passed on the gift of consciousness to them. Accordingly, this capability enabled a connection to the mental spirit and powers of the light through a perception of the times of before that event of when Umbra had caused the light’s corruption to occur. Regardless of Aion Teleos’s association with consciousness and soul, the being was thought to originate from the highest plane, which is referred to as Auraeth by the ancestral antecedents of the Aetherics, where his soul and energy spilled into the places beneath him through the acts of existence and proliferation by Aion Teleos’s descendants.

Within the rule and bounds of punishment by the Ayoskovic potentate, however, the worship of Aion Teleos by the Aetherics is persecuted because of their unwillingness to submit to a ruler, being as they pledge their loyalty directly to Aion Teleos and the soul within rather than an external source. The subjects of Ayoskova are thus ignorant of the existence of Aion Teleos because of the silencing of Aetheric thought. In the circumstances which he is known of by the more noble commoners of Ayoskova, it is taught that he seeks to bring their people away from the divinity of their rulers so that the force might instead claim their souls as belonging to the light and, therefore, sway them from the ancestral forms of both spirit and body which are native to the mortal plane. Accordingly, the oligarchic rulers of the kingdom instead acknowledge Umbra as more of a penultimate being that presides over death and rebirth, where the trials of the underworld are meant to better them as their rulers are thought to be their ancestor’s reborn. It is assumed by the Aetherics that the rulers of Ayoskova therefore see Aion Teleos as a being which granted them life, but which also only grants stasis and no betterment through hardship, in addition to Aion Teleos removing political power from their supreme potentate.

Much like the members of the kingdom of Ayoskova, the occultists who worship the beings of the Deonyths descend from a similar culture where Aion Teleos is recognized as the force which had granted them life, though not being influenced by a hegemony like the subjects of Ayoskova. The power of Aion Teleos is thought to be unattainable and unrecognizable to the mortal plane in its absence, however, and because of that circumstance, they have turned away from the grace of the light to beings who have presented themselves as more realized and capable beings. Because of their acknowledgement of the darkness as the primary primeval force, it is assumed by the Aetherics that they have lost the original faith in Aion Teleos, and that their people diverged from the ancestors of the Aetherics at a time later than when the Ayoskovic potentate emerged as the dominant power of the temperate woodlands and cliffs of the known lands of Caskaris.

The Aevayans, who descend from the slave class of the Ayoskovic kingdom and whose philosophical undertones are thought to have commingled with that of the Aetherics, oftentimes acknowledge Aion Teleos through the belief that Aurideon, the masculine form and power of the light, will one day descend into the mortal world in order to bring their people back into the grace of the light. It is thought by religious leaders of the sects of the Rorekovic religion that Saraia, the first saint of their religion and the spiritual mother of all Aevayans, established a covenant with Aion Teleos who acted through more familiar, earthly beings to Saraia, and thereby allowing those elements to incarnate into her divine child, in addition to the power of the pure light. The gift which Aion Teleos is thought to have given to the ancestors of the Aevayans is simply a blessing of prosperity and providence in their promised land, where the curse of darkness and Umbra had not fully become dominant throughout. The nigh omnipotent force is thus understood to be the chief god of their pantheon, though being recognized through the identity of Aurideon, the same who had granted the earthly spirits that Saraia had prayed to passage to the sacred realm from which he came. Then, it is recognized that the vestiges of the consciousnesses of Aryalis, Terrara, and Aecora had become purified, thereby enabling a passage to Auraeth through the worship of such beings.

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